Why are we here?
I started this as a project to learn everything I could about money, I had recently received a settlement for my divorce and wanted to learn everything I could about how best to invest this money. This has now grown into the hyper focus to end all hyper-focus's, in short I am a bit obsessed.
In my twenties I belonged to a large group of people who would have said I wasn't really interested in money. I earned just below the UK average and as long as I could pay my bills I was much more interested in other things. I then had a child and quickly found myself a single parent, on a part time self employed income, navigating benefits and a housing crisis all the while slowly descending into a black whole of money worries and the bottom of my over draft.
Those years were hard, the job centre is a fresh circle of hell, a game of Russian roulette in whether your 'job coach' would be helpful or rude enough to make you cry. Benefits are designed to provide just a little less than you need to comfortably live on so you never feel relaxed and every bill through the door sets off your flight and fight.
But slowly things got better.
I started working as an outreach worker for a charity that provided support and guidance for people at risk of financial hardship. I learnt about budgets and how to call up suppliers for a lower rate. My daughter grew and my mental space freed up just a little to plan and budget and learn.
This website is designed for those like me, those on average incomes (or lower) those who find themselves on benefits and dreading speaking to their 'work coach' (they never actually help you with finding a job by the way) and those who want to learn more about money, investing and saving.
One thing I have learned on this journey is that finance and savings are not as complicated as everyone makes out and that by not making financial advice and education more easily accessible it helps keep the rich rich and the rest of us poor. So lets hack capitalism and spread this knowledge.