But can money be ethical?
I think one of the biggest reasons I was so avoidant about money in my twenties (apart from the ADHD and lefty ideals) was the idea it was inherently unethical ‘Money is the route of all evil’ and all that… If I avoided it, chose to work in the arts and third sectors I was somehow morally superior. In reality I was just demonstrating a huge amount of unchecked middle class privilege and naivety.
So can money be ethical?
The short answer is Yes… and No.
We all live for better and for worst in a capitalist society and very few of us have the option to opt out, without someone opting in first (I am looking at you trust fund yoga teachers who live off grid). And though money can’t buy happiness it can buy choices. What we control is how we chose to make it and what we choose to do with it when we get it.